Read about what the BPSA has accomplished in the last few years

Lets Talk Series: Black Women's Health
BPSA held a webinar with guest speakers Dr. Sheena Katigema and Dr. Tobi Obatusin to shed light on the topic of black women's health. Attendees got to hear the expertise of these two amazing clinicians as well as ask questions. Topics included obstetrics, maternal health, contraception, complications that black women face, as well as historically racist practices that took place in the world of healthcare.
Pop-up Dermatology Clinic
The BPSA held their first ever pop-up dermatology clinic in March of 2023. It was a free, community based event intended to educate the general public about various skin conditions, how they appear in skin of color, and some common treatments!
Link to CBC article
Check out the gallery for pictures from the event!
Pharmacy School 101
Pharmacy School 101 is an online webinar that BPSA hosts annually in January for any students that are interested in the pharmacy program. This webinar includes a presentation about the requirements, the application process, the education, and the career. There is also a Q&A period at the end, as well as games and prizes! Follow our social media platforms to find out when the next one will be!
National Black Pharmacy Student's Conference
BPSA got the opportunity to participate in the first ever National Black Pharmacy Student's Conference in February of 2023. We were able to meet other black pharmacy students online from all over Canada for an evening filled networking, discussion, and games!

Lets Talk Series: Black Mental Health
BPSA held a webinar with guest speaker Dr. Josiah Osagie in order to discuss struggles with mental health, specifically in the black community. BPSA also had the opportunity to create an informative series regarding health disparities in marginalized communities. Check out our instagram to be informed!
Covid-19 Infographics
During the height of the pandemic, BPSA members worked together to create infographics about the benefit of the covid-19 vaccines in various different languages in order for this health information to be more accessible to different immigrant populations.